22 Oct 2024 Start Time: 9:00 End Time: 16:00 Location: The IET, 2 Savoy Place, London WC2R 0BL

ACITA cordially invites you and your team to the upcoming Autumn National. This conference is centred around the dynamic nature of our world and the transformations impacting our industry. It offers an unparalleled platform for meaningful engagement, idea exchange, and knowledge acquisition. We highly recommend your team’s participation so they can glean novel experiences and perspectives. Your presence would be greatly appreciated.

ACITA Agenda

22nd October 2024

The Institute of Engineering and Technology (The IET),

2 Savoy Place,




09:00 – 09:55  Arrival at the IET Registration, Teas & Coffee, Networking

10:00 – 10:10  Welcome, Introduction and Housekeeping – Des Hiscock, Director-General of ACITA

10:10 – 10:55   EU Update – Customs (Reform) and Green Deal – Kolja Mendel, Managing Partner – Mendel Verlag GmbH & Co. KG and Michael Lux, Lawyer | CEO Michael Lux BV

10:55 – 11:20  EU customs regulations, what do they mean in UK-EU trade and value of international collaboration among associations UK-EU – Enrika Naujoke, Director CustomsClear

11:20 – 11:30   Comfort Break

11:30 – 12:00  Northern Ireland – Current update and likely changes for the future – HMRC Speaker TBC

 12.00 – 12:30  National Transit Policy (5) Update – Sharon Heron- NCTS Policy – HMRC TBC

 12:30 – 13:45   LUNCH & Networking 

 13:45 – 14:10  UK CBAM – HMRC working in alignment with EU – HMRC Speaker TBC

 14.10 – 14:35  Defra Update & New Rules wef July 2024 – Tom O’Dowd, DEFRA TBC

 14:35 – 15:00  CDS – HMRC future and perspective HMRC – SpeakerTBC

15:00 – 15:30  EU Customs Law Case/s – Possible outcome? – Yves Melin, Partner ReedSmith LLP TBC

 15:30 – 15:45  Panel Session – Q&A

15:45      CLOSE

The ACITA Committee is finalising an engaging Autumn National 2024 meeting agenda. This event aims to foster a valuable platform for members to share insights and discuss critical industry issues. We aim to facilitate enriching discussions on various topics relevant to our profession. The specifics of the meeting, including the agenda, will be communicated in the future. We suggest marking your calendars and reserving your space for this significant event. We want you to know that your active participation is crucial to our association, and we anticipate your involvement. We appreciate your continued support and look forward to welcoming you to the meeting.

Please feel free to forward any questions to our panel of industry experts in advance, and we will ensure they are addressed during the event. The meeting will cover key aspects such as the
UK Border Force, ENS, DEFRA, HMRC & Future on CDS, Northern Ireland, CBAM/STW, and Europe today, providing a comprehensive view of our field

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