HMRC will be closing its Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) system on 31 March 2023. It will be replaced by the Customs Declaration Service (CDS). CDS will serve as the UK’s single customs platform for all declarations and all goods will need to be declared through CDS from this date.
Moving to one system is more efficient than running two platforms, as we are currently doing. Operating one single system will clarify processes for traders and save money for the taxpayer.
Currently, export declarations for goods moving out of Great Britain are made on the National Export System (NES), which is linked to CHIEF.
In the future, all export declarations will be made using CDS and we are now encouraging exporters to move across to CDS.
For more information, join our live webinar – during which you can ask questions using the on-screen text box.
Sending an export declaration using the new Customs Export Declaration Service for traders
The webinar takes you in detail through the six sections of HMRC’s new free service, for making a CDS export declaration.
It covers the new information that’s required and helps with new fields such as carrier, procedure codes, authorisations and goods location codes.
Register here to join the webinar.
This webinar provides the support exporters will need when they migrate to the Customs Declaration Service (CDS) and provides a demonstration of the new CDS Export Declaration service.