This JCCC sub-group meeting is not open to members, but is posted here for information. The designated committee member will attend on behalf of the organisation and represent the views of member organisations. If you have specific points, issues or questions that you wish to be raised at this meeting, please contact the committee member via the Secretariat.
Joint Customs Consultative Committee (JCCC) – Products & Processes Meeting
As requested by our trade members, I have set up an interim JCCC (CP&P/BP&D) Sub Group meeting for the 20th May, which will be held via videoconference. I know some of our members expressed concerns regarding accessing shared documents and presentations via Teams, however as there will be no documents or slides to share, just discussion of the items on the agenda, the meeting should hopefully run smoothly.
Please let me know of any items you wish to put forward for the agenda, for consideration by the Chairs. We kindly ask that you provide specific details of the issues and questions you wish to raise so we can ensure we are prepared ahead of the meeting.
To access the meeting on the day, please use the link below or if you are dialling in please use the telephone number and conference ID.
Join Microsoft Teams Meeting
+44 20 3321 5238 United Kingdom, London (Toll)
Conference ID: 945 639 276#
Agenda: tba