Latest News
Brexit: No Deal Contingency
HMRC has published a Partnership Pack on GOV.UK to help businesses plan for the unlikely possibility...
ACITA National Meeting Minutes October 18th
Brexit and CDS were the two hot topics at the ACITA October 2018...
TTM5.1 release delayed
TTM5.1 has been further delayed until October 31 2018. A number of factors have...
Updated CDS 03 Technical Completion Matrix
CDS 03 Technical Completion Matrix (v3.11) and CDS 03 CDS Codelists and WCO...
Updated and tested XML messages
Listed below are updated and tested XML messages (in both XML and .txt...
TTM5.0 XML Trader Package
We have been working to resolve the issues you have experienced with the...
TTM5.0 XML Sample messages
TTM5.0 XML Sample messages and the corresponding supporting scenario documentation are available to...
TTM5.1 Delay
Deployment of TTM5.1, which was provisionally scheduled for the w/c 24th September, is...
HMRC Stakeholder Engagement Research
HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) Stakeholder Engagement Research 2018
TTM5.0 XMLs Issues
HRMC has been working to resolve the issues with the TTM5.0 XMLs. Updated and...
TTM5.0 DAN Validation & Known Error Log
TTM5.0 has introduced DAN validation. This means that you must use the correct...
Bulk Data File List API
The Bulk Data File List API has now been exposed on Developer Hub...